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Hello Google lovers! Rumour has it that Google will be announcing a smartWatch called “Gem”. The rumours aren’t confirmed and they come from the co-founder of Android Police. Though there is no pictorial proof for it, the rumour looks relatively reliable.
Samsung have already released their SmartWatch last month, which makes the whole experience Intuitive. But a SmartWatch from Google is kinda surprising. Though making a SmartWatch, even though having a powerful Gadget like Google Glass in the pipeline makes no sense, the rumour can not be overlooked. Because there have been rumours of Google’s Nexus SmartWatch (Shown below).

The SmartWatch will be just another Smartphone companion which will let you check your notifications, emails and receive your calls. The SmartWatch is rumoured to have Android OS running on it.
This video was uploaded on YouTube showing possible model of Google’s Nexus SmartWatch a couple of months back.
There have been 2 rumours in just 3 months and if Google announces a SmartWatch now, don’t be surprised!


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