Apple has unveiled the iPhone 5C. The leaks leading up to the unveil were spot on: The iPhone 5C is a unibody polycarbonate (plastic) smartphone, coming in a range of colors (blue, red, yellow, green, white), and sporting virtually identical internals as the iPhone 5. The iPhone 5C is, in essence, a plastic version of the iPhone 5. The 16GB iPhone 5C will cost $100, and $200 for the 32GB version — on contract, sadly — and will go on sale September 20.
The iPhone 5S is powered by the A6 SoC (the same as the iPhone 5) and the same 8-megapixel rear camera. There is a larger battery, however, and also a new FaceTime HD camera on the front.
There will also be a range of “soft-feel silicone rubber” cases, designed by Apple itself, that protect the phone. Cut-outs around the camera and elsewhere show off the colorful iPhone 5C chassis underneath. They will be priced at $30 each. Some of the color combinations are truly hideous, though some people will surely find them beautifully expressive.
“The iPhone 5C is beautifully, unapologetically plastic,” says Jony Ive.
We’ll have more on the iPhone 5C in the next few days, once we’ve had some hands-on time with Apple’s new, colorful iPhone 5C.
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